
Last updated 08-Sep-2024 02:12 PM

Wilbarger Protocol (Brushing Therapy)

The Wilbarger Protocol, also known as the "Brushing Therapy," is a sensory integration technique developed by Patricia Wilbarger, an occupational therapist with extensive experience in treating individuals with sensory processing disorders (SPD). This therapeutic approach has gained recognition for its potential to help children and adults who experience sensory defensiveness—a heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli that may result in discomfort, anxiety, or behavioral challenges.

What is the Wilbarger Protocol?

The Wilbarger Protocol is a structured intervention aimed at reducing sensory defensiveness and enhancing an individual's ability to process sensory input more effectively. Sensory defensiveness is a condition in which a person overreacts to certain tactile or sensory experiences, leading to avoidance behaviors or emotional distress. This can manifest in various ways, including aversion to certain textures, clothing, grooming activities, or even physical contact.

The therapy involves brushing the skin with a specialized surgical scrub brush followed by joint compression. The brushing is applied to large areas of the body, such as the arms, back, and legs, avoiding sensitive areas like the face, stomach, and chest. The technique is repeated multiple times throughout the day over a period of weeks or months.

Key Components of the Protocol

  • Brushing: Using a specific soft-bristled surgical brush, the therapist or caregiver brushes the patient’s skin in firm, rhythmic strokes. This tactile stimulation is designed to help the nervous system process touch sensations in a more organized and calming manner.
  • Joint Compressions: After the brushing, joint compressions are applied to key areas, such as the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and knees. This provides proprioceptive input, which helps the brain integrate sensory input related to body position and movement.
  • Repetition and Frequency: The protocol is typically carried out several times a day—often every 90 minutes to two hours—to maximize its effectiveness. Consistency in applying the protocol is crucial for achieving long-term results.
  • Supervision by a Therapist: The Wilbarger Protocol must be implemented under the guidance of a trained occupational therapist who can tailor the approach to the individual's specific needs and monitor progress. The therapist also trains the caregivers or family members to ensure the therapy is applied correctly.

Who Benefits from the Wilbarger Protocol?

The Wilbarger Protocol is particularly beneficial for individuals with sensory processing disorders, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other developmental or neurological conditions that involve sensory challenges. However, it can be used for anyone with sensory defensiveness.

For children, the protocol can help improve their ability to tolerate everyday sensory experiences, such as wearing different clothing fabrics, being touched by others, or engaging in self-care activities like brushing their teeth or washing their hair.

Adults with sensory processing challenges, including those who have experienced trauma, anxiety, or certain neurological conditions, may also find relief through the Wilbarger Protocol.

Potential Benefits of the Wilbarger Protocol

  • Reduced Sensory Defensiveness: One of the main goals of the protocol is to decrease overreactions to touch and other sensory stimuli, making daily life more manageable for individuals who struggle with sensory issues.
  • Improved Self-Regulation: Sensory integration therapy can help individuals better regulate their emotional and behavioral responses to sensory input, leading to more balanced moods and behavior.
  • Enhanced Focus and Attention: By calming the nervous system, the Wilbarger Protocol can improve concentration and focus, especially in children who struggle with ADHD or related challenges.
  • Greater Participation in Daily Activities: With a reduced sensitivity to sensory input, individuals may be more willing and able to engage in daily routines, social interactions, and play or learning activities.

Considerations and Precautions

While the Wilbarger Protocol can be highly effective, it is not suitable for everyone. It is important to have an occupational therapist assess the individual to determine whether this technique is appropriate. Factors such as skin sensitivity, medical conditions, and the individual's unique sensory profile must be taken into account.

Additionally, improper application of the protocol can lead to overstimulation or increased anxiety, so it is essential to receive proper training from a qualified therapist. The brushing technique is highly specific and should not be performed without proper guidance.


The Wilbarger Protocol (Brushing Therapy) offers a unique and effective approach to helping individuals with sensory processing difficulties. By targeting sensory defensiveness and improving the brain’s ability to process sensory input, this technique can lead to significant improvements in daily functioning, emotional regulation, and overall quality of life. However, the therapy requires consistency, patience, and professional supervision to be implemented successfully.

If you or a loved one is experiencing sensory challenges, consulting with a trained occupational therapist is the first step toward exploring whether the Wilbarger Protocol is the right therapeutic approach.

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