
Last updated 07-Sep-2024 03:54 PM



The Soundsory method is a multi-sensory, neuro-acoustic program designed to enhance motor and cognitive abilities. It combines music-based auditory stimulation with specific body movements to strengthen neural pathways. By integrating rhythmical music and bodily coordination, Soundsory helps develop crucial connections in the brain that are essential for focus, balance, and coordination.

Scheduling: How much time do you need?

The recommended duration for the Soundsory program is 30 minutes a day over a 40-day period. The program is split into two 15-minute sections: listening to specially designed rhythmic music while performing basic movements that stimulate brain-body connections. Following this daily schedule ensures maximum effectiveness.

Pros & Cons

  • Improves motor skills, balance, and coordination.
  • Helps with focus and attention span.
  • Accessible at home, with a simple-to-follow program.
  • Suitable for all ages, from children to adults.
  • Requires daily commitment over 40 days for full benefits.
  • Some users may find it difficult to adhere to the movement exercises.
  • The cost may be a consideration for some families.

Target Audience: Who can benefit?

The Soundsory method is designed for individuals with sensory processing challenges, motor delays, attention disorders, and learning difficulties. It is highly recommended for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ADHD, and developmental coordination disorder. Additionally, it benefits adults looking to improve balance, coordination, and cognitive functioning, making it a versatile tool for various age groups.

Equipment: What do you need?

The Soundsory program requires the Soundsory headset, which is equipped with bone conduction technology and delivers rhythmical music tailored to stimulate the brain's auditory and motor systems. No additional equipment is necessary, though space for movement exercises is required.

References: Who talks about it?

The Soundsory method is endorsed by various occupational therapists, physical therapists, and special education professionals. Studies in neuroplasticity and sensory integration further validate its effectiveness. Some notable professionals who have recommended Soundsory include Dr. Jean Ayres, known for her work on sensory integration, and Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a pioneer in auditory therapy.

Cost: How much do you need to spend?

The Soundsory headset costs around $299, though pricing may vary depending on the retailer or location. While the upfront investment may seem significant, the benefits are long-term, and no additional subscriptions or equipment are required after purchasing the headset.
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